Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Speaking Test Script

Narrator               : One day Mrs. Yoanna and her son go to the hospital to visit her nephew who had entered the hospital because of fever for 4 days in jasmine ward 402 B
Yohana                 : Where is Dewi’s ward son, mom forgets
Monic                   : Admitted to the jasmine ward, mom.
Yohana                 : Now we get to the jasmine ward monic, but where is her room?
Monic                   : Should we ask the nurses in there?
Yohana                 : You ask monic, I will wait here.
Monic                   : Alright mom.
Monic                   : Excuse me, nurse.
Dewi (N)              : Yes, can I help you?
Monic                   : Well, I want to visit my sister, her name is Dewi, can you tell me what number is her room?
Dewi (N)              : Wait a minute, ohw patient by the name dewi is in 402 B, from here
 Just straight away and turn to the left.
Monic                   : Thank you nurse.
Dewi                      : You are welcome.
Narrator               : When they get into jasmine room, they get into the room but they are still waiting
because there are nurse who are caring.
Bram                     : Good afternoon dewi
Dewi                      : Good afternoon Bruder
Bram                     : How are you today?
Dewi                      : Not so good. I feel so bad.
Bram                     : Let me check now…. your body is so warm. I will take the thermometer first.
Narrator               : While the nurse is taking the thermometer, Mrs. yoanna and her son come into her bed.
Yohana                 : Hello, how are you?
Dewi                      : Not so good aunt.
Monic                   : Dewi how long have you been sick?, we just heard about you this morning, so that we
have the time to visit now
Dewi                      : Ohw I was hospitalized today in the morning, but I have been sick for 4 days
Monic                   : Why do you go into hospital?
Dewi                      : I get fever, my body is so warm.
Yohana                 : Where are your parent, dewi?
Dewi                      : They back at few minute ago, they want to pick up my brother at school.
Narrator               : While they are talking, the nurse came in with a thermometer.
Bram                     : Excuse me, let me check first.
Yohana                 : Of course bruder.
Monic                   : Wait, what is that bruder?
Bram                     : This is a thermometer
Monic                   : So, what is the function of termometer?
Bram                     : It used to measure the temperature of dewi’s body.
Dewi                      : How long does the temperature appears bruder?
Bram                     : About 7-10 minutes in the armpit. okey, I'll be back. If you want any helps, you can
press this button.
Narrator               : 10 menit minute later.
Bram                     : Excuse me, let me see the result, the temperature is 39.10. Please take a rest for a while and I will increase the infusion drip.
Dewi                      : What is the purpose to increase the infusion drip?
Bram                     : It is to maintain the stability of your body, because of the increasing of body,s temperature.
Dewi                      : Alright bruder
Bram                     : Wait a minute I will take the maedicine.
Yohana                 : Medicines? what do you mean??
Bram                     : Paracetamol medicine, it used for lowering the body temperature, please wait I will take it.
Narrator               : Few minutes later.
Bram                     : This is the medicine, Just drink immediately, two hours later I will check your condition.
Yohana                 : Because it is noon, we will go back home now, get well soon dewi,  see you.
Dewi                      : Thank you aunt for visiting me, see you later and be carefull.
Narrator               : Two hours later.
Bram                     : Excuse me, while I check again the temperature, the temperature was decreased and improved, how are you now?
Dewi                      : Much better then before bruder.
Bram                     : Ok, if you need something you can press the button, I will go now, there are still other patients.
Dewi                      : Thank you bruder.
Bram                     : You are welcome.

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011


Peneliti Jepang menyatakan, aktivitas system kekebalan yang terdapat dalam tubuh manusia naik menjadi 2x lipat, terutama yang disebut sel pembunuh yang mempunyai tugas membunuh sel-sel kanker. Algen ini dapat tumbuh dengan cepat, maka dari itu bisa didapat dari teman. Algae ini dikembang-biakkan dalam wadah yang terbuat dari plastik atau gelas dan tidak boleh memakai tempat yang terbuat dari metal.

Cara memelihara Algae ini :

1. Taruhlah sekitar 3 sendok teh Algae Kristal dalam wadah ( semisal teko / moci ) plastik. Beri 1 Liter air minum, 2 sendok teh gula pasir dan 7 buah kismis kering yang telah dicuci dan tidak mengandung belerang/sulfur, diamkan semalam.

2.Keesokan harinya tuang air rendaman itu kedalam botol plastik / gelas. Saring dengan saringan plastik agar Algae Kristalnya terjaring, cuci dengan air minum dan masukkan lagi kedalam wadahnya yang sudah dicuci bersih.

3.Beri lagi 2 sendok teh gula pasir dengan 7 kismis yang kemarin. Tambahkan 1 Liter air minum yang baru, lalu simpan lagi . . . begitu seterusnya. Saran : ketika mengganti air, masukkan juga beberapa tetes air yang sudah siap untuk diminum.

4.Air yang sudah dituang dalam botol/gelas siap diminum sebagai obat.

5.Gantilah kismis kering seminggu sekali.

6.Tanpa pemberian gula pasir dan kismis serta pemakaian wadah dari metal dapat membuat Algae Kristalnya mati.

Algae Kristal dapat digunakan untuk penyembuhan gangguan tekanan darah tinggi, masalah jantung, ginjal, syaraf dan penyakit dalam. Algae ini juga dapat mencegah secara nyata penyebaran sel-sel kanker. Jika perawatan penyembuhan sudah selesai, Algae Kristal ini dapat tetap dipelihara seperti tersebut di atas. Jika sudah tidak mau diminum, airnya bisa dibuang saja atau digunakan untuk mencuci muka. Algae Kristal ini susah didapat. Bila dirawat dengan baik, Algae Kristal dapat berkembang biak. Jika sudah tidak mau merawatnya sebaiknya diberikan kepada orang lain yang membutuhkan dan yang mengapresiasikannya.

Cara Penggunaannya
Asma dan Bronchitis : 1 Liter / hari ( terapi Asma butuh
ketekunan / waktu lama )

Kulit eksim / : ½ Liter / hari ( oleskan langsungnya
Kecantiqan kulit Algaenya, keringkan. Cuci muka &
tangan dng. Air. Dalam waktu 1-2
minggu eksim sembuh. Bisa juga
untuk yang sudah parah.
Kurang darah /
Masalah sel-sel darah : 1 Liter / hari ( 2 Liter untuk yang parah )Lambung ( luka ) : 1 Liter / hari. ( Bengkak dalam maag hilang dalam 2 Minggu )

Syaraf : 1 Liter / hari
Tekanan darah tinggi : 1 Liter / hari menormalkan hipertensi

Keterangan secara umum
Penduduk di Kaukasus mengetahui keampuhan dari Algae Kristal ini dan sudah meminum airnya dari masa kanak-kanak, maka dari itu di tempat ini mereka dapat berumur panjang, bisa mencapai umur 110 tahun.
Di sini adalah satu-satunya tempat di dunia di mana penduduknya bisa mencapai usia lanjut dengan tubuh yang benar-benar sehat ( menurut nara sumber tak dikenal, di Toscana / Italia juga ada satu daerah yang penduduknya dikenal hidup sehat sampai uzur ).

Menurut peneliti Prof.Merile, yang sepanjang hidupnya meriset tentang Algae, bahwa di daerah yang disebut di atas tidak dikenal penyakit seperti TBC, Kanker, sakit maag dll. Di Jerman Dr.Dressen sudah menangani Algae-algae jenis ini sejak Perang Dunia I. Algae-algae ini dapat menyembuhkan asma, masalah-masalah pernafasan, penyakit liver, gangguan empedu, penyakit kantung kemih dan sebagian besar penyakit-penyakit parah.
Khasiat lain
Penyakit syaraf, benjolan-benjolan di dalam tubuh, bronchitis, saemtlichen sideroblasten (keime, bahasa jerman), serangan jantung, empedu, liver, infeksi ginjal, sakit kuning, penyakit usus, buang air besar, susah BAB, kurang darah, penyakit luar & eksim.
Yang terpenting
Algae menghilangkan kebusukan-kebusukan dalam usus, bisa menyembuhkannya dan itu membuat orang bisa sehat dan panjang umur. (Karena hidup itu adalah karunia Tuhan dan umur ada ditanganNya, maka kita harus menjaga tubuh kita tetap sehat dan tidak berpenyakitan).

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Kamis, 12 November 2009

Lyrics / Chords

Hillsong United-Hosanna

Songwriters: Fraser, Brooke

I see the king of glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes


I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing
The people sing

Hosanna in the highest x2

I see a generation
Rising up to take their place
With selfless faith
With selfless faith

I see a near revival
Stirring as we pray and seek
We're on our knees
We're on our knees


Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from earth to

[Chorus] x2

Hosanna in the highest

Give Thanks
     G             D/F#   
Give thanks with a grateful heart   
     Em              Bm7   
Give thanks unto the Holy One   
     C                   G/B   Em7   F       Dsus D   
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
     G             D/F#   
Give thanks with a grateful heart   
     Em              Bm7   
Give thanks unto the Holy One   
     C                   G/B   Em7   F       Dsus D   
Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son
    Bm7         Em7             Am7   
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"   
        D7              Gmaj7     
Let the poor say, "I am rich   
           Em                F        D7   
Because of what the Lord has done for us"    
    Bm7         Em7             Am7   
And now let the weak say, "I am strong"   
        D7              Gmaj7     
Let the poor say, "I am rich   
           Em                 F       D7   
Because of what the Lord has done for us"  
Give thanks... 

In Christ Alone

   G       D       G       A
In Christ alone my hope is found
D/F#     G        A           D
He is my light my strength my song
     G     D           G     A
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground
D/F#             G        A           D
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
     D/F#       G          D/F#      A
What heights of love, what depths of peace
     D/F#      G            D/F#      A
When fears are stilled when strivings cease!
   G     D      G      A
My Comforter my All in All
D/F#        G       A        D
Here in the love of Christ I stand
   G       D           G       A
In Christ alone! - who took on flesh
D/F#        G      A        D
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
     G       D        G        A
This Gift of love and righteousness
D/F#           G       A       D
Scorned by the ones He came to save
     D/F#    G        D/F#  A
Till on that cross as Jesus died
    D/F#     G       D/F# A
The wrath of God was satisfied -
     G     D      G       A
For every sin on Him was laid:
D/F#        G        A        D
Here in the death of Christ I live
      G       D          G    A
There in the ground His body lay
D/F#          G        A         D
Light of the world by darkness slain
      G        D         G       A
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
D/F#          G       A     D
Up from the grave He rose again!
   D/F#     G       D/F#  A
And as He stands in victory
      D/F#       G       D/F#    A
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
    G     D      G      A
For I am His and He is mine -
D/F#              G        A         D
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
    G        D       G       A
No guilt in life no fear in death
D/F#         G         A       D
This is the power of Christ in me
      G            D      G      A
From life's first cry to final breath
D/F#      G        A    D
Jesus commands my destiny
   D/F#      G       D/F#      A
No power of hell no scheme of man
    D/F#   G      D/F#      A
Can ever pluck me from His hand
      G    D        G        A
Till he returns or calls me home
D/F#         G         A           D
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand!